Card Title: 16. The Tower

Primary Character(s): Tauri Tok'ra, aka Lt. Col. Meg Austin, Gen. Jacob Carter, Dr. Alexis Rainier

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++ Egeria ++


"But, my queen, this is not acceptable!" Per'sus splutters with all the pomp and circumstance his position has garnered him. "You cannot stay on this backward, unprotected--"

"Then perhaps you would do well to begin protecting Earth, Per'sus," I shoot back, still getting used to this new body after so many centuries without one. "My host is not going to be separated from the only home she has ever known simply for you to put me in some top secret hole. I was imprisoned in a canopic jar by Ra for nearly two millennia, followed by half a century in a tank in that Pangaran medical facility. I do not intend to spend the rest of my life hidden away like that. Change your plans, Per'sus."

I can sense my Tauri host, Meg, bristling at the very thought of leaving her home world. She and I have come to a rather unique compromise on many things. This is what comes of the desperation borne of imminent death. Meg having to leave the planet she's called home for the entirety of her life was not on the bargaining tables. Nor was my desire to remain hidden away like some precious holy relic. On these things, we have been in complete agreement. Unfortunately, my children don't see this quite the way we do. They continue to bicker amongst themselves as to my fate.

All except for the other two with Tauri hosts: Selmak and Lantash. These two of all my children have been bastions of hope and strength to me. They alone understand the situation I am faced with, unlike the others. Perhaps it is simply the fact that we three have blatantly Tauri hosts who have lived their lives with complete freedom, compared to the others. They don't feel the desperation and secretiveness that the rest of my children's hosts have lived with for over two millennia.

"My Queen, please see reason. Selmak, Lantash, can you not stress to Queen Egeria just how important this is?"

This time, Garshaw has taken over the proceedings. I'd never expected this child to become such an orator. That Per'sus came to be in charge is no surprise at all. But I am not liking the fact that this "council" primarily follows the whims of its elected leader, rather than following the will of the whole. Selmak and Lantash are all but forgotten in these proceedings.

"Enough!" My voice is sharp, laced with anger. "This situation is not up for discussion. While I understand your desire to keep me safe, I will not be handled like some ancient artifact that you don't want to lose. Nor will I be hidden away simply to satisfy your need to keep me safe. If you want me kept safe, perhaps you should discuss the ramifications of better protection for Earth. I absolutely refuse to make my host live on the run, bouncing from planet to planet in order to stay hidden from the Goa'uld."


"No! This meeting is adjourned. All of you, get out! Get out of my sight until I am less angered. If you push me much farther, I will sacrifice myself to save my host and you will lose me completely. This is most emphatically not up for debate. Do you understand?"

There is much grumbling amongst my children on the council, but none is witless enough to stand up to me. I bite back a chuckle at Meg's reaction of ~Remind me not to piss you off, okay?~ It takes only a single glance for Selmak and Lantash's hosts to start ushering the others out of the room.

Only once they're all gone, save my two most loyal children, do I let my host slump into the nearest chair. We've only been blended for three months, and neither of us is truly up to full strength just yet. My own injuries were difficult enough to deal with, let alone the process required for me to heal the intricate nerve damage Meg had suffered at the hands of a crazed Sentinel. Upon hearing her story from Major Carter, I was unable to die and let this young woman's life be forfeit as well.

"My queen?" I can't deny the strangeness of Lantash's voice having a feminine lilt. "Are you or Lt. Colonel Austin in need of assistance?"

"Peace and quiet? Definitely. Assistance? Not as high a priority at the moment. Although I must admit I'm glad to have this round over with. I know they'll keep this up, but perhaps after I repeat my threat a few more times, they'll finally understand. I won't be boxed up again. Why can't they understand this?"

"Because they don't know what it's like to experience that horror," comes the voice of Selmak's host. "And frankly, I don't think they ever will. They see you as an ideal, a cherished part of their history, something they don't want to lose again."

"When will they understand that I'm not as fragile as they want to think?" I grumble. "I may not be one hundred percent healed, but I am well on my way back to what I once was. But I will not convalesce in some underground tunnel like a coward. If the Goa'uld wish to come after me, then let them. The fewer Tok'ra who actually know about me, the better for all of us. Or am I incorrect here?" They both shake their heads, which pulls a sigh from me. "Am I being so selfish as to let my host live as close to her old normal life as possible?"

"If it weren't for Selmak, I'd be dead. I literally owe my life to my snaky body mate." Jacob runs his hand over his head and grins sheepishly. "And to think I almost told my Sammie not to go through with this. I hate the fact that I'm away from Earth so much, especially now that she's given me a beautiful granddaughter. But we both knew the risks involved in me joining with Selmak, and we understand why it was done."

"I couldn't agree more." At last I hear the voice belonging to the lovely Dr. Rainier. I have wondered how long Lantash would keep her silent. "I had HIV, thanks to an incident with an HIV-positive patient. In fact, by the time, Janet and Sam came to talk to me, the pneumonia had set in pretty heavily. In all honesty, I probably had less time to live than Jacob did. I didn't even hesitate when they told me about Lantash. Just the thought of a second chance at life, a chance to explore the galaxy like I'd seen on Star Trek growing up? That was all it took. And honestly? Outside of my patients, and my friends that I'd lost touch with, I had no one on Earth anyway. I didn't mind the fact that I wouldn't be living here all the time."

"Ah, and that's part of the situation here," I reply with a nod. "My host is far younger than both of you, and she has no desire to leave this planet. There are still things to do and explore in the galaxy for the two of us, but if we do what the council wants, we won't get that exploration anyway. I pray they will see what it is I'm trying to do, want I want to see happen. If not, there could be serious repercussions."

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